Know Their Names: Bible Records
The laws of 1705 Chapter XXIII and 1785 All Negro, mulatto and Indian slaves within this dominion shall be held to be real estate and not chattels and shall descend unto heirs and widows according to the custom of land inheritance and be held in fee simple. A widow holding slaves as dower and permitting them or their children to leave the state forfeits every such slave and all other dower. Page 45-56, 62
The Act in 1748 provided for the distribution of intestate estate that widows shall receive one-third of all slaves and their increase for life.
Act to the General Assembly of Virginia 1804. Chapter 89. “When slaves held by widows or other for life they shall be registered, with ages, sexes, and increase of such slaves.” (Black Laws of Virginia by June Purcell Guild, LL.M. 1936)