Black Memorabilia
Browse our collection, learn about the social history of black memorabilia, and donate your own pieces.

Resources on the History of Black Memorabilia
"Mammy and Uncle Mose: Black Collectables and American Stereotyping"
Mammy and the Famous Aunt Jemima
"Overlooked No More: Nancy Green, the ‘Real Aunt Jemima’"
"Aunt Jemima and the long-overdue rebrand of racist stereotypes"
The Uncle Figure: Uncle Tom, Uncle Mose, Uncle Rastus, and Uncle Ben
"Uncle: Race, Nostalgia, and the Politics of Loyalty"
"Uncle Ben's Rice Changes Name to More 'Equitable' Brand"
"'Little Black Sambo' and the Legacy of Image in African American Literature for Children."
Black Cooks
"How Enslaved Chefs Helped Shape American Cuisine"
Black Jockeys
Have any pieces to donate? Contact us.
Help us put black memorabilia in museums, where they belong.
Explore a gallery of the “Jim Crow & Negative Imagery” exhibit in our museum.
Since this digital catalog remains an ongoing project, the pieces displayed in our physical museum are not yet included on the website.
To see this exhibit in person, visit us on Tuesdays or Wednesdays between 10AM-3PM at 4243 Loudoun Ave, The Plains VA.
Take a look at our Jim Crow exhibit
We understand these objects may inflict offense through their embodiment of racist ideology by depicting stereotypical and discriminatory imagery and language. However, we hope to educate our community and encourage personal reflection through interacting and understanding the historical context of these objects, rather than ignoring them.
This catalog is an ongoing project as we continue adding new pieces and researching listed items. If you have any information about an object in this collection, please reach out to us at